Monday, June 1, 2020

Rural Talents and Rural Development

In most Sub Sahara Africa studies have revealed and affirmed that 96 percent of all poor people live in the rural areas and that their survival depends almost entirely on agriculture. Even the World Bank report shows that poor people in Africa indeed live in the rural areas and need the support from the urban and other parts of the world; when we say rural people are poor that means their talents too become hidden and the World can not benefit from them.

Thus if we want to realize people's talents, industrialization and consequently, poverty eradication from the continent then rural development through agricultural revolution is inevitable. Rural development can be attained through the following proposed interventions that we suggest:

1.  Agricultural Technology

We need to improve the agriculture technology currently being used in the agriculture sector in the rural areas, and diversify the quality of cultivated crops, empower the extension officers through training, and empower them with working tools so that they reach farmers to disseminate the needed modern agricultural technology 

2. Cooperative Unions

It is known that farmers unions are there and that they are useful to farmers. We now need to strengthen farmers' cooperative unions and establish them where they don't exist; ;let the farmers' cooperative unions be empowered and speak for farmers' rights. When cooperative unions are well strengthened they will influence increased productivity and people will have time to practice their talents;talents are practiced when people are satisfied.

3. Agro-processing Industries

When Farmers are encourage to cultivate well and are given the right technology, they are likely to produce in excess. When they do so that is when there is need of establishing agro processing of their produce. Thus we need to establish agro-processing industries that will guarantee reliable markets to farmers' crops and also provide employment opportunities in non-farming activities.

4. Improved Infrastructures 

When agro- processing has been enabled, it is possible that there will be need of transporting the produce; it is there that the infrastructure such as road networks, telecommunication and electricity, which will ensure rapid and reliable transportation of agricultural products and exports from agro-processing industries and increase accessibility to other services timorously.

When the economic development is attained then as we have seen above there could be a possibility of urban rural migration as the rural will be self satisfied and consequently this will help in people discovering their talents as they will be fulfilled in their basic needs and so it would be possible for them to philosophize, and search for their talents. 


This article is so necessary that it tells what a real human person is:A human person is in the world for a specific purpose that he has to accomplish before he or she dies. A human person is unique and indeed made up in special ways as compared to other living beings. In the story of creation in the holy books, a human being was created the last so that he dominates all that he found in the world. Human being is a combination of man and woman; they depend on each other and indeed complement one another.

Since a human person has the task of dominating and taking care of the world then he has a homework of knowing himself first. If he wishes to fulfill well his task then he has to know himself really well. In this article we propose six ways that you as part of the human family have to fulfill so as to meet the task that is before you. The ways I propose to you are know your body, know your spiritual life, know your personality, know your core values, know your dreams, know your likes and dislikes.

know your body
know your spiritual life
know your personality
know your core values
know your dreams
know your likes and dislikes

1. Know your body

On knowing your body, you might think it is only a subject for teenager who are growing up and are discovering amazing issues about their bodies. Yes indeed, it is necessary for youth to get to know themselves fully. As for you no matter what age group you belong to, you need to know your body too. Your body operates in so much amazing ways that you can pick on how it operates and use the coordinate to operate in your personal daily activities. Your body has several systems which function harmoniously to bring together  a totality of human activities. The different systems include respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system, excretion system, and so on.

2. know your spiritual life

In ancient Greek philosophy,  and in the following years one major argument was always about the subject of a human person. Some claim that a person is one entity while others argue he is composed of body and soul; there is dualism as far as a human person is concerned.

I also conquer with this kind of understanding that a human person falls under dualism; he has body and soul. Both of these parts of a human person body and soul have their needs which need to be fulfilled.

Most of us know the needs of the body such as food, drinks, clothing and we meet those needs easily. However, we forget about the other part of our body the spiritual life.  You have to know the needs of the soul and meet them so that you are able to live a balanced lifestyle.

3. Know your personality

Knowing yourself is essential for you to become what you wish to be. It is necessary you come up with a sieve to help you sort out what is real about you and what people say about you.

Collect all important data about you. You have to collect all information about you from others. It is possible that others have information about you that you don't have; Collect all that information and compare and or complement with what you have about yourself.

4. Know your core values

Morality comes from ethics which guides us how to live well with others. It informs us, it informs you that this is right do it or that is wrong avoid it and so on.

Values help define you as a person; and these guide and or accompany you in different areas. It could be at home, at work place, place of worship, and in all aspects of life in general.

Normally core values are those that you are not willing to give up on them no matter what happens to you. The values could be honesty, truthfulness, loyalty, wisdom, fear of God, respect of others and so on. It is necessary you know your core values so that you know how you live with others keeping your boundary while respecting them too.

5.  Know your dreams

Knowing your dreams is necessary and indeed important. Knowing your dreams helps shape your future life. It is important to know what your dreams are pursue it. Do not take it lightly, take and follow your dream seriously, get to know it better as you may wish to perfect it and live your life accordingly.

if you intend to become a teacher as your dream for instance think and scrutinize what kind of a teacher and in what level of education do you want to become? Do you want to teach at primary school level, Secondary school, college or university? Search to know what are demands in the area that you wish to live your dream... and then there you will be ready to move on...

6. Know your likes and dislike

It is important you know what your likes and dislikes are so that you are able to move on well with your life with little or minimized quarrels. Knowing you what you like and dislike will make your life more interesting as you will do what you like and avoid what you dislike.

If you wish, you may even alert others about this aspect of your life so that in most cases you will live a peaceful and meaningful life.

I wish you all the best as you work out to finding what you like and what you dislike so as to improve your life and be able to fulfill the task of  knowing the world.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Your Talents Speak of You

Every human person is gifted with a number of talents. You being one of the members in that animal kingdom have talents that could be of great importance to your society.

If you want to know your talents there are some issues that you need to do in order for you to be useful and important to your community. There are several steps that you can follow so as to get to know your talents.

1. Contemplate on your passion

As said already, a  human being you are unique different from everybody else in the world. You have your talents so special for you. But that does not mean that your talents and talents are only with you you will find others with similar talents but there could also be some differences as it is not possible for everything to be completely similar. Now you can be able to attain your talents by checking on your talents; contemplate on what you like the most what is it that you like so much?  What is it that you are good at? 

2. Ask the elders 

Knowing what you are good at could be difficulty doing it all by yourself. And if it happens that you do not know about your passion then ask the elders. Check with the elders who could be your parents, neighbors, friends, your parents' friends, people around in your community and so on. The old people know you better since childhood. They have seen you when you were a little guy growing up, they saw you when you hand interests in things that you even don't know about them today. What you liked during childhood could have disappeared because you did not practice it any more. Thus the elders should be the right people to assist you and remind you of your childhood passion.

3. Ask your colleagues at work

It is possible that you could be good at something but you don't take it seriously just because you are so much used to it that you assume it is not something important. Asking your friends about what you are good at could save you time and money to know yourself. Talk to your honest friends who are willing to tell you the truth. It is like when you are looking for your shortcomings for improving them the right people to ask them about are your enemies and not the friends who are not ready to upset you. Therefore, talk to trustworthy friends who are ready to see you succeed in your life.

4. Put into practice your passion

When you have discovered what you are talents are then think of putting them into practice. Knowing your passions and talents and keep them without experimenting them does not help you much become a success in life. It you want to live a life of talents and wish to contribute to society, you have to go the hard way, you have to dirty your hands, you have to sweat, you have to put hard work in it. If you think that you can not be able to practice it by yourself then think of joining a firm or a community practicing what could be your talent. Take for instance playing a certain music instrument. Join an orchestra in your street, or a music school and practice your talent.

When you succeed in practicing your talent and become the best in your talent then it is then we say your talent defines you, your talents will be speaking of you. I hope you practice it and then you can be the result of your talents. I wish you the best of luck.